Ticket Name Change Leader / Follower Pass Name Change Please fill in all the requested information and make sure that everything is correct, especially the E-Mails. Otherwise you won't receive the changed Ticket. If you encounter any problems please send a mail to info@pure-kizzz.de Name Changes can take around 7-14 days. Please wait until you receive a information via mail that the name change is done. Ticket Owner Name * Ticket Owner Name First Name of the Ticket Owner First Name of the Ticket Owner Last Name of the Ticket Owner Last Name of the Ticket Owner Ticket Owner E-Mail * Event * Order ID * Ticket Type * Leader Follower Old Attendee Name * Old Attendee Name First Name Old Attendee First Name Old Attendee Last Name Old Attendee Last Name Old Attendee Old Attendee E-Mail * New Attendee Name * New Attendee Name First Name New Attendee First Name New Attendee Last Name New Attendee Last Name New Attendee New Attendee E-Mail * Send Falls Du menschlich bist, lasse dieses Feld leer.